Welcome to the Favorite Family Recipes Virtual Recipe Swap!
It's almost Holiday time! Have you thought about what will be on your table this year? Do you have a favorite family recipe that makes an appearance every Thanksgiving? Maybe it just doesn't feel like Christmas without your Grandma's famous figgy-pudding, or Hannukah without your Uncle's crispy latkes?
This year I am teaming up with Doree from TopNotchMom to put together a Virtual Recipe Swap!
Have you ever been to a recipe swap party? I have hosted a few, and I think they're super fun! You show up with a dish and it's recipe. You chat, mingle, drink a little wine, maybe, and talk food! Everyone leaves with a different recipe than they came with to add to their recipes collections!
Here's how it works:
Submit your info via this Google Form and Doree and I will assign partners. When your partners are assigned, you will receive an email from one of us with all the info.
You will e-mail someone a recipe, and someone will e-mail you a recipe. You are responsible for then making, photographing, and sharing/blogging the recipe that was sent to you!
No blog? No worries! Share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Be sure to hash-tag #FavoriteFamilyRecipes whenever you post!
Please remember your manners and give all the recipe credit to the person who sent it to you!
Fill out the Google Form by October 26th. E-mails will be sent with info on the 29th-30th.
All posts should be scheduled for sometime between November 1st and 15th.
On November 15th, there will be a linky party to showcase all you Favorite Family Recipes, please plan on joining!
-1 recipe submission per person, please! The Holidays are stressful enough!
- Please, NO MAIN DISHES. Appetizers, Sides, Desserts, and Drink recipes are very much welcome. We just don't want to force someone to roast a whole brisket, or bake a whole turkey...
-Play nice! All recipe credit shall be given to the recipe creator/sender. We're fostering friendships here, people.
-Please only send your family recipes or recipes that you have created for the holidays...by this I mean, please do not copy and paste from a recipe you found on Pinterest. mmkay?
-Please include the Favorite Family Recipes image found below in your post.

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