Online BlogCon- a virtual blogging conference!

Last summer I was reading a post by one of my favorite bloggers and she mentioned she would be contributing to an online blog conference. Intrigued, I followed her link and found Online BlogCon. An online blogging "conference" where, for a minimal fee, I would have access to tons of posts by other successful bloggers! Posts ranged from how-to's, to time managements tips, social media stuffs, and photo editing tips and techniques, etc.

To be completely honest, I thought they were promising a lot for the very little fee they charged...I hoped for the best, but prepared myself to read post after post of "tips and tricks" I already knew.

Well, friends, I am SO GLAD I took that chance! I feel like it paid off immensely for me and the growth of my blog. Every Single post written for Online BlogCon was informative, smart, and written for bloggers in the same exact spot I was in. I think it wasn't until Online BlogCon that I truly fell in love with blogging.

As a bonus to the excellent content written and published for OBC, there is a Facebook group! I gotta tell you, these ladies that are active in this Facebook group are. the. best. There is so much support and love for one another from this group it's amazing. Anytime I have a question, dumb or not, there is someone who is out there willing to help me out. Anytime I am seeing low numbers or am getting frustrated at all the things us bloggers get frustrated at, there are wonderful, wonderful people on the other side of my computer screen ready and willing to walk me through the issue, offer advice, or just a supportive word or two.

If you're thinking you'd like to grow your blog/following, are needing some new blogging skills, want a supportive group of other bloggers who have been there and done that, or all of the above, I highly highly recommend OBC. Hope to see you in the Facebook group!!

Click HERE to learn more about OBC13
