Hey there long lost friends! I'm on a bit of a bloggy vacay at the moment. My sister is in town with my sweet baby nephew so I've been busy snuggling his little baby cheeks! Jessi is going to take over the blog today and she has brought a really unique recipe!
If you'd like to guest post for me, I'd love to have you! Just shoot me an email! And make sure you're following me on Instagram (susand86) to see my adventures out of my kitchen!
Hi, I'm Jessi and I blog over at Doctorate Housewife. I'm no Martha Stewart, just a quirky girl with a PhD that accidentally became a housewife. My blog tells the story of my adventures in baking, DIY, fitness, and life. If you like this recipe, I'd love it if you'd come and visit =)
I’m happy to be posting here at Adventures in my Kitchen. I especially appreciate Susan’s policy of simple recipes with budget friendly ingredients. The recipe I have to share with you fits right in there. In fact, it was inspired by stuff I had on hand. And just look how it turned out:
You see, I’m an expat - an American living in Brussels, Belgium (the home of Biscoff - oh yeah!). So, when I visit the States, there's a list of things I HAVE to eat. Near the very top of that list is a warm toasted corn muffin. Ask my brother - I make him take me to the diner every time. We sit in a booth out of a 1950s movie and catch up. It's one of my favourite parts of the visit. And then, well and then there’s crumb cake... Entenmann's Ultimate Crumb Cake. As a kid, the fun desserts that mom picked up from the store depended on the coupons. My favourite coupon - 2 for 1 Entenmann's pastries. My favourite Entenmann's pastry - Ultimate Crumb Cake!! One time, my friend and I sat around the kitchen table chatting and ended up eating almost the entire thing. I kept cutting insisting that the remaining edge be straight and she kept making it crooked. What's a girl to do?! Well anyway, I had some leftover OJ and a brainstorm: orange cinnamon corn bread. And then when I got down to making it, I had a better brainstorm: orange cinnamon corn crumb cake. The house smells delicious and my afternoon snack was out of this world! 
If you'd like to guest post for me, I'd love to have you! Just shoot me an email! And make sure you're following me on Instagram (susand86) to see my adventures out of my kitchen!
Hi, I'm Jessi and I blog over at Doctorate Housewife. I'm no Martha Stewart, just a quirky girl with a PhD that accidentally became a housewife. My blog tells the story of my adventures in baking, DIY, fitness, and life. If you like this recipe, I'd love it if you'd come and visit =)
I’m happy to be posting here at Adventures in my Kitchen. I especially appreciate Susan’s policy of simple recipes with budget friendly ingredients. The recipe I have to share with you fits right in there. In fact, it was inspired by stuff I had on hand. And just look how it turned out:
Here's what you need:
- 1/2 cup corn bread
- 1/2 cup cornmeal
- 1 cup flour
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- pinch salt
- 60g butter (melted)
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 3/4 cup flour
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 tbs cinnamon
- 100g butter melted
Here's what you do:
- Preheat oven to 160C (350*F)
- Combine dry ingredients.
- Mix melted butter and brown sugar till it gets kinda caramel-like.
- Add egg and OJ.
- Combine with dry ingredients.
- Mix crumb topping
- Pour into prepared pan. Spread crumb topping over batter and bake for 20 min.
Best served slightly warm with a small tab of butter - yum!
Looks amazing!